免費防毒、間諜廣告軟體、惡意程式掃描工具 – eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit(MWAV),MWAV提供您「免費」的工具來協助您掃描各種病毒、間諜軟體、廣告軟體或是各種其它在您電腦中的惡意程式。MWAV「不」需要安裝就可以在您的電腦中直接執行。即使您已在您的電腦中安裝任何其它防毒軟體,它也可以執行而不會相衝突。
第一次使用 eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit(MWAV)可以按一下主畫面中的 [更新] 按鈕,將病毒碼更新成最新的病毒資料庫,不僅能掃描出更多潛在的威脅,也能讓偵測結果更加準確。MWAV 預設的掃描選項為掃描記憶體/服務、登錄檔、啟動資料夾、系統資料夾,也能新增自訂掃描磁碟機與資料夾。(謝慶憲)
MWAV 預設在按下 [掃描並清除] 按鈕後會開始進行掃描,在發現病毒或惡意程式後會自動進行清除,倘若擔心會誤刪到重要檔案,可以勾選掃描選項裡的 [只掃描] 按鈕,勾選後 MWAV 就只會掃描您所設定的掃瞄位置,在發現惡意程式後不會自動清除。
【軟體名稱】:eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit(MWAV)14.0.424 免安裝中文版-免費防毒、間諜/廣告軟體、惡意程式掃描工具
【軟體大小】:249 MB
【作業系統】:Windows All
【官方網站】:eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit
eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit 原文簡介:
eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit is a free way to scan and clean viruses, spyware, adware and other malware.
eScanAV initially appears to install, but it is portable. Be sure to run this in safe mode. By the time you extract hundreds of files to the Windows temp folder (a favorite place for malware to be) and accept the license terms, more sophisticated malware has a chance to catch it and stop it. You can also run eScanAV AntiVirus Toolkit from a thumb drive or DVD.
Once up and running you update or click “Scan & Clean” but there are numerous settings to speed up, or more importantly, target the area or potential problem better. You optionally scan Memory & Service, Registry, Startup Folders, System Folders as well as select drives or even a particular folder and or subdirectories. Finally, you can also view network activity to look for suspicious items with eScanAV’s own ViewTCP. It shows both active and established connections.
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