iTools for Windows 是一款簡單易用的iOS 設備管理工具,無論您的蘋果有沒有「越獄」,都能使用iTools for Windows非常方便的完成對iOS 設備的資訊、音樂、鈴聲、電子書、圖片、桌面、軟體安裝、網路資源下載、軟體等資訊作管理、備份、歸類、iOS 設備系統資訊的修改,充分滿足您的各種需求。蘋果設備管理工具iTools for Windows功能類似iTunes,使用方便安全因此可用來完全取代iTunes。(丹楓)
【軟體名稱】:iTools for Windows 中文版 – iOS 設備管理工具,完全取代iTunes
【軟體大小】:74.7 MB
【作業系統】:Windows All
【官方網站】:iTools for Windows
iTools for Windows 原文簡介:
iTools is a lightweight application designed to help iPad, iPhone, iPod touch users manage their files much easier. The program supports the latest device versions and as most applications of its type, it needs iTunes to connect to your device. Thus, at the first run, it automatically detects whether you have iTunes installed on your PC on not. Another advantage of the program is the backup feature. You can use iTools to backup and restore your folders, apps, SMS messages, contacts, call history and system settings.
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